EFOP 1.4.1-15 "Support for Integrated Children Programmes" (previously TÁMOP 5.2.1 ) relaunched on 1st of April, 2016. The project provides professional-methodological assistance to regional and local programmes (EFOP 1.4.2 and EFOP 1.4.3) aiming at reducing poverty, enhancing children’s opportunities and preventing the reproduction of disadvantages in the most deprived areas of Hungary.
The project is implemented in consortium, led by the Hungarian Directorate-General for Social Affairs and Child Protection, including the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta and Centre for Social Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Project-related responsibilities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences are performed by Child Opportunities Research Group (CORG), including analyses and evaluations in order to help regional programmes.
In the previous project, ended on the 30th of November, 2015, HAS was primarily responsible for research and methodological background tasks, and some of its tasks were related to micro-regional process support.
We helped to develop the applications of the regions by preparing institutional situation analyzes.
Strategic planning of the regions, factual elaboration of the micro-regional child strategies were supported by questionnaire surveys. From these, micro-regions gained key indicators that are normally only available at national level. 29 summary studies have been prepared from survey data, and in some micro-regions, we also conducted additional interviews with local experts.
From the micro-regional survey, we have compiled a representative sample of families with children in 23 micro-regions, which contains detailed data for about 6,000 households and 12,000 children. Studies based on the database have been published in an on-line volume. (Gyerekesélyek a végeken)
An annotated bibliography has been prepared from the national and international literature on child poverty and child opportunities. (Knowledge Repository)
The experiences and results of regional programs have been summarized in a collection of essays (Gyerekesélyek a végeken II.)
- The results of our further research on the project were presented in conference presentations and studies.
A web-based monitoring system has been developed to help track regional implementation. Two-monthly reports from the monitoring system used by 16 micro-regions have been published online.
Main activities of Child Opportunities Research Group in the new phase :
- Providing methodological support to regional teams/ applicants for the children programme in creating/actualizing the regional status reports
- Supporting the need assessments of families with children (preparing regional data collection,organizing research camps)
- Operating an online monitoring system
- Monitoring the regional programmes, creating evaluating analyzes
- Carrying out researches, focusing on the effectiveness, impact and sustainability of regional programmes, preparing and publishing studies;
- Expanding the previously created Knowledge Repository: compiling and publishing a bibliography from the national and international literature on child poverty